
FirmPilot AI Law Firm Marketing

Do Billboards Actually Work for Attorney Advertising?

Billboards for Lawyer Advertising

Billboards for Lawyer Advertising

Yes! And no…Billboards remain a popular marketing tactic for law firms, but do they really attract clients to law firms? With the rise of digital marketing, some argue old-school billboards are outdated when done alone and without online marketing to complement them. However, billboards have unique advantages and still warrant consideration in a law firm’s marketing mix.

The Purpose and Power of Billboards

Billboards exist to grab attention. With bold fonts and imagery, they attract eyes to get a message across.

For law firms, billboards plant seeds. When someone sees your billboard, brand awareness grows. Top-of-mind awareness is key in law – when a legal need arises, people think of firms they’ve heard about. Billboards get your name out there.

Using AI Online Marketing to Increase the ROI of Billboards

The perfect One-Two Combo: AN AI-powered marketing platform built law firms, that costs less than the typical legal marketing agency, but generates twice as many leads.

FirmPilot is the new breakthrough in legal marketing that automates and optimizes all your marketing activities. It handles tasks like website content, SEO, reviews, ads, emails, analytics, and more.

FirmPilot costs way less than a typical marketing agency, and works 10x faster. The tool uses AI to analyze your nearby competitor law firms and predicts what blog posts, website edits, and online ads to outperform those competitors. Even better, it does all of this for you.

Check out FirmPilot to learn more and request a demo, and see why firms using FirmPilot, such as RS Law Group, have doubled their online leads.

Benefits of billboards for marketing the law firm:

  • Grow brand recognition
  • Increase local presence
  • Broad reach to mass audiences
  • Flexible placement near your office or courthouses
  • Convey reputation and expertise

Modern digital billboards allow you to display different messages and target key demographics. Interactive billboards take engagement further.

So in theory, billboards check important boxes for attorney marketing. But do they really work?

Do People Actually Call Billboards?

Many factors impact billboard success today when it comes to law firm marketing. With smartphones and digital domination, out-of-home advertising isn’t as influential. Billboards remind people about your firm who might’ve just seen your name on google or facebook. Billboards should complement all your other law firm marketing strategies.

But well-placed billboards still Spark Interest:

  • 52% of people notice digital billboards, per Nielsen surveys.
  • 70% read the entire billboard message.
  • 47% take action after seeing a billboard.

For attorneys, “action” may mean:

  • Visiting your law firm website
  • Searching for you online
  • Telling others about your firm
  • Calling your office

Calls directly from billboards do happen, but less frequently in the digital age. Yet billboards remain part of the marketing mix at leading law firms.

Lawyer billboard and sign marketing

Keys to Billboards that Convert in 2023

Billboards work best as part of a coordinated strategy, not standalone tactics. To boost results, apply these modern billboard advertising for lawyers tips:

Utilize Digital Billboards

Digital billboards allow you to display different messages and graphics. This dynamism grabs more attention while showcasing your expertise across practice areas. They also cost less than old-fashioned billboards which is a huge benefit for small law firm marketing.

Place Billboard Near Courthouses

Billboards near courthouses and legal centers ensure visibility among your target demographic. During commute times, court visitors will notice your firm’s presence.

Feature Headlines That Speak to Pain Points

Rather than basic advertising, use billboards to address problems your law firm solves. Feature relatable headlines that connect with feelings of fear, uncertainty, frustration, etc. Be specific and clear about your services: immigration, work comp, or personal injury. Being clear with your messaging is key to criminal defense marketing.

Sync With Broader Marketing

Coordinate billboard messaging with your other marketing. Echo key themes, offers, and brand identity across platforms.

Measure Billboard Performance

Use phone tracking numbers or landing page links to gauge billboard response. See how many calls or site visits come from billboard scans. Measuring performance for all your marketing tactics is key to building the ultimate law firm.

5 Key Questions About Billboards for Law Firms

If you’re considering billboards for your firm, here are key questions to ask:

1. Who is my target audience?

Get crystal clear on the demographic and psychographic profile of your ideal clients. This ensures strategic billboard placement and messaging.

2. What locations will best reach my audience?

Identify high-visibility spots where your targets congregate, whether courthouses, highways, etc. Placement precision is vital.

3. What purpose aligns with my goals?

Know whether you want billboards chiefly for branding or direct-response. This informs design, call-to-actions, and tracking strategies. For example, if you are doing criminal defense advertising, share results not just about firm awards.

4. How will I integrate billboards into other marketing?

Synergy across marketing amplifies results. Map out a unified multi-channel strategy encompassing digital, print, social media and more.

5. How will I measure billboard effectiveness?

Establish processes to monitor billboard-driven calls, site traffic, searches and other key performance indicators. Continually optimize based on data.

Proper goal-setting, placement, design and integration allow billboards to thrive as part of modern attorney marketing. While not standalone solutions, billboards remain valuable branding assets when executed strategically. For visibility, credibility and local presence, billboards deliver results for law firms in the digital age.

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